Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science
Undergraduate Concentrations Related to Brain Science
The Applied Mathematics – Biology concentration allows students to develop complementary expertise in biology and applied mathematics.
The concentration in Applied Mathematics – Computer Science allows students to develop complementary expertise in computer science and applied mathematics, and provides a foundation for advanced work at the intersection of these disciplines.
Leading to a Bachelor of Arts, the study of decision making covers descriptive questions like how people, institutions, and nations make judgments and decisions; normative questions about rationality, such as what constitutes the best judgments and decisions; and prescriptive questions, such as how the process of decision making can be improved to make actual decisions closer to optimal ones.
How does life work at the molecular level? This question is at the core of the concentration program Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
The Biology concentration invites students to study, in depth and in breadth, the science of life and living matter.
The Sc.B. program in Biomedical Engineering is jointly offered by the School of Engineering and the Division of Biology and Medicine as an interdisciplinary concentration designed for students interested in applying the methods and tools of engineering to the subject matter of biology and the life sciences.
Biophysics is a quantitative science at the intersection of the life and physical sciences. It requires a significant level of competence in physics, chemistry, biology and math as reflected in the concentration requirements.
The Chemistry concentration offers courses and research opportunities that range from fundamental studies involving the characterization and preparation of synthetic and naturally occurring molecules, to interdisciplinary studies at the interfaces of chemistry with biology, medicine, physics, engineering, and nanoscience.
Cognitive neuroscience is the study of higher cognitive functions in humans and their underlying neural bases.
The field of Cognitive Science uses scientific methods of experimentation, computational modeling, and brain imaging to study mental abilities such as perception, action, memory, cognition, speech, and language, as well as the development and evolution of those processes.
Computational biology involves the analysis and discovery of biological phenomena using computational tools, and the algorithmic design and analysis of such tools.
Computer science is now a critical tool for pursuing an ever-broadening range of topics, from outer space to the workings of the human mind.
The concentration in Contemplative Studies investigates the underlying philosophical, psychological, and scientific bases of human contemplative experience.
The study of economics helps students understand markets, firms, financial organizations and public debate about economic policy, including taxation, government expenditure, trade, globalization, health and welfare.
The concentration in Engineering equips students with a solid foundation for careers in engineering, to advance the knowledge base for future technologies, and to merge teaching, scholarship, and practice in the pursuit of solutions to human needs.
The Sc.B. program in Engineering and Physics is sponsored jointly by the School of Engineering and the Department of Physics.
Health and Human Biology is an interdisciplinary concentration that provides a rigorous foundation in the biological sciences with substantive course work in humanities and social sciences within a subfield of Human Health and Disease.
Students may opt to pursue an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science degree in Math-Computer Science, a concentration administered cooperatively between the mathematics and computer science departments.
Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to understand the functions and diseases of the nervous system.
The Philosophy concentration offers courses covering subjects from the philosophy of religion to the philosophies of science and literature.
Physics is the scientific study of the fundamental principles governing the behavior of matter and the interaction of matter and energy.
Psychology encompasses a range of phenomena and levels of analysis in pursuit of three goals: to deepen our understanding of cognitive and neural mechanisms of sensation, perception, learning, and emotion; to probe the biological and evolutionary foundations of behavior; and to clarify the social perception and assessment of individuals and groups.
Public Health is an interdisciplinary concentration through which students examine a variety of health issues, including population health and disease, health policy, cross-cultural and international aspects of health, the organizational and social structures through which health services are delivered and received, and the public health system.
Science, Technology, and Society (STS, formerly Science and Society) is an interdisciplinary concentration that examines the processes of scientific discovery and the establishment of scientific policies and systems of belief from historical, philosophical, anthropological, and sociological perspectives.
The Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics is designed to provide foundations that include basic statistical concepts and methodologies, and to expose students to the role of statistical thinking and analysis in interdisciplinary research and in the public sphere.