MRF Committees
Executive Committee
The MRF Executive Committee provides strategic guidance on all policy matters related to the MRF including those related to operations, financial planning and staffing. The committee meets at least twice per year to hear a report from the MRF Director and Associate Directors regarding recent usage of the facility and to discuss and to make recommendations regarding any current matters of interest. The Executive Committee has overall authority for actions of other MRF Committees through approvals and directives. Decisions of the Executive Committee occur by a 60% vote of those present at a meeting. Members can vote by prearranged proxy. Some decisions can occur via E-mail polling. The Executive Committee has a quorum of 50% attendance. Policy decisions by the Executive Committee do not supersede those instituted by the University administration.
David Badre, Ph.D.
Professor of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences, Director of the Brain Stimulation CoreDepartment of Cognitive Linguistic & Psychological Sciences -
Theresa Desrochers, Ph.D.
Rosenberg Assistant Professor of Brain Science and Neuroscience, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorDepartment of Neuroscience -
Braden C. Fleming, Ph.D.
Department of Orthopedics -
Benjamin Greenberg
Director of the COBRE Center for Neuromodulation, Professor of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorDepartment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Edward "Ted" Huey
Associate Director, Center for Alzheimer's Disease Research, Director, Memory and Aging Program, Butler Hospital, Professor of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorDepartment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Petya Radoeva
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jerome Sanes, Ph.D.
Director of the MRI Research Facility, Chair of the MRI Executive Committee, Director of the COBRE Center for Central Nervous System Function, Professor of NeuroscienceDepartment of Neuroscience -
Michael Worden, Ph.D.
Chair of the MRI Scientific Advisory Committee, Associate Director of Research, MRI Facility, Associate Professor of Brain Science (Research)Carney Institute for Brain Science
Scientific Advisory Committee
The Scientific Advisory Committee reviews research protocol applications to use the resources of the MRF. Potential Principal Investigators submit a set of documents that become distributed to Committee members. The committee reviews proposals to establish whether the proposed research is feasible, has fundamental scientific merit and is consistent with the mission of the MRF. Review of proposals at this early stage can identify important issues that may need to be addressed by either the submitter(s) or by the MRF in the process of implementing the research protocol. Such issues may relate to special hardware or pulse sequence needs, biosafety concerns, staffing and scheduling concerns, among others. The Medical Director and the Associate Director for MRI physics examine each application for medical and physical safety. For proposals requesting free or subsidized scan time the Committee reviews the submission to ensure that the submitter has a reasonable plan by which to use the data.
Jennifer Barredo
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (Research)Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jerrold Boxerman, M.D.
MRI Facility Medical Director, Professor of Diagnostic ImagingDepartment of Diagnostic Imaging-RIH -
Meghan Riddle
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Clinician EducatorDepartment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jerome Sanes, Ph.D.
Director of the MRI Research Facility, Chair of the MRI Executive Committee, Director of the COBRE Center for Central Nervous System Function, Professor of NeuroscienceDepartment of Neuroscience -
Edward Walsh
Associate Professor of Brain Science (Research), Associate Director - MRI Physics, MRI FacilityCarney Institute for Brain Science -
Tara L. White, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Research)Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences -
Michael Worden, Ph.D.
Chair of the MRI Scientific Advisory Committee, Associate Director of Research, MRI Facility, Associate Professor of Brain Science (Research)Carney Institute for Brain Science
Safety, Education and Training Committee
The Safety, Education and Training Committee of the MRF has oversight regarding the safe operation of the 3T MRI system. The committee sets operation procedures for the MRI system; these procedures will undergo annual review, though they can be modified at any time when new safety concerns arise. Additionally, this Committee will approve training procedures for Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 personnel to ensure proper use of equipment and implementation of general MRF policies and procedures. The Safety, Education and Training Committee and the Medical Director must agree to certify a user for independent operation of the MRI system. Additionally, the Committee approves and oversees requests for usage of the facility for educational purposes. In cases when coursework is proposed to occur in the MRF, the Committee includes faculty representatives appointed by the Graduate Counsel and the CCC. The Committee meets in person at least annually to review safety policy and as needed for other matters.
Jerrold Boxerman, M.D.
MRI Facility Medical Director, Professor of Diagnostic ImagingDepartment of Diagnostic Imaging-RIH -
Lynn Fanella, R.T. R M.R
MRF Facilities Manager -
Serra Favila
Assistant Professor of Cognitive and Psychological SciencesDepartment of of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences -
Hwamee Oh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Associate Professor of Cognitive, Linguistic and Psychological SciencesDepartment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Noah S. Philip, M.D.
Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jared Saletin
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human BehaviorDepartment of Psychiatry and Human Behavior -
Jerome Sanes, Ph.D.
Director of the MRI Research Facility, Chair of the MRI Executive Committee, Director of the COBRE Center for Central Nervous System Function, Professor of NeuroscienceDepartment of Neuroscience -
Michael Worden, Ph.D.
Chair of the MRI Scientific Advisory Committee, Associate Director of Research, MRI Facility, Associate Professor of Brain Science (Research)Carney Institute for Brain Science