Major/concentration and Graduation Year.
Neuroscience, 2017.5.
Where are you from?
Costa Rica
What were your academic interests in high school?
Economics and philosophy
What is your favorite activity outside of the classroom?
Volunteering and working at the lab.
Why did you decide to pursue research in brain science?
Because there are so many groups asking so many questions from so many different perspectives that is hard to find a field of science whose techniques aren't being used to study the brain.
What research project and laboratory did you work in?
I am working at the Reenan Lab trying to understand the effects of traumatic brain injury on RNA editing using the model organism Drosophila.
What is your most memorable experience from your training in brain science?
Recognizing the amount of methods and techniques from various fields that can be used to tackle questions relating to the brain.
What have you learned from this experience that you are applying to other aspects of your Brown degree?
I think working in a lab trains you to think critically in terms of how to go about answering questions and setting up experiments in an effective manner.
What would you like to do after graduating?
Continue to learn, ask questions and attempt to answer them.