Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science

Hierarchical Sequential Sampling Models (HSSM)

HSSM is an easy-to-use open source software toolkit that brain scientists use to build and test computational models that can shed light on the biological functions and mental processes at work in people with mental illness.


From the Lab of Michael Frank

Director of the Center for Computational Brain Science, Edgar L. Marston Professor of Psychology, Co-Director, BRAINSTORM Program

Learn More About HSSM

Why it’s Important

Medical treatments are designed to work on specific genes, proteins, cells, circuits or general areas of the brain and nervous system. The more accurate the target, the more effective the treatment – and the less likely it will cause unwanted side effects. HSSM helps scientists build better models of brain and cognitive function that can, ultimately, be used to improve treatments. 

What it Does

HSSM is a tool for scientists working in the growing field of computational neuroscience and psychiatry, where computational modeling, data and theory are used to study the underlying cognitive processes that can explain differences in learning, decision making and memory for people with mental illness. HSSM software helps scientists and computational psychiatrists test new models, which can then be tested by experimental brain scientists interested in improving treatments.

Where it’s Used

Since its launch in 2023, researchers download the HSSM toolkit about 1,000 times a month, and it’s being used in dozens of labs around the world.