Robert J. and Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science
For Researchers
Request Scan Time
Use the MRF Calendar to request or cancel a scan time.
Facility Guidelines and Resources
Safety training is required for all research personnel who will be accessing the MRI Facility in the course of their research. The objective of MRI safety/system operation training is to ensure the safe operation of the MRI research facility, to protect volunteers, research personnel and staff in the daily operation of the MRI scanner.
To assist members of our community, we have created analysis pipelines that will guide you through analysis of various types of MRI data.
The use of the MR facility is reviewed by the Scientific Advisory Committee; approval is contingent upon scientific or didactic merit, innovation, feasibility and likelihood that the proposed instructional use will be within the academic mission of Brown University.
Researchers have used Carney imaging to publish dozens of scientific papers. Below is a partial list by year.